OpenAI like AI store

The core idea of Homebrew is that AI teaches better than humans do, and it will only improve with time. So, here is the section that can optimize this like 100x. How? It will be like the GPTs store from OpenAI but with different AI tutors. For example, a GPT for teaching you with the Feynman method, flashcards, or whatever; the point is that educators will only have to provide content, and the AI will figure out how to teach it. Users will only have to click a button "Teach me." Also, with big data, optimization kicks in, analyzing what kind of method works for what kind of psychometric profile and so on. Like 10x Cambridge Analytica but for education 🤯.

Oh, and with users' skill trees, psychometric profiles, and so on, AI head-hunters are just a matter of time. And when there's something like GPT-6 or GPT-7, personalized courses or even degrees generated from scratch are entirely possible and probably the way to go.