
List of all degress

The degree concept is completely outdated and not useful anymore. Here's how it should work:

  • A degree should be a confirmation of competence in a particular area, not completing some course. It could come with a course, but course should be skipable and it must be possible to be given a certificate only for passing an exam (like IELTS).

  • Degrees and certifications should compete on a free market to find equilibrium. If they are too easy or allow cheating, they produce unprepared job candidates, and nobody cares about that certificate (like most universities now). If it's too hard, nobody would want to take it. The same goes for time commitment: too short and shallow = nobody values it; too long = nobody wants it. This way, colleges have an incentive to produce high-quality and fast courses at the same time.

  • Degrees should be time-limited as well. For example, a Vercel web dev degree from 2018 should require the holder to pass an exam on App Router and other updates if they want to get Vercel web dev degree in 2024.